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Bee-research news for STEM education
The publication „Aktuelles aus der Bienenforschung für den MINT-Unterricht” (The Latest News from Bee Research for STEM Education) is a teachers’ manual with worksheets. Tailored to the STEM subjects, the publication provides exciting assignments with practical relevance on the topic of bees, in the overall context of “research-based learning”, thereby taking the national curricula into account. The book was introduced at the didacta Education Trade Fair in Hannover at the end of February, 2015. (Grades 7-10 with differentiation)
Ideas and worksheets for your lessons
Generations of biologists have been captivated by the bee as a research object. Your students know bees from their direct encounters with them and from a variety of media. Biology is the subject, in which bees are traditionally covered. However, modern research methods and their findings also provide a variety of reference points for assignments in your Chemistry, Physics, Math and IT lessons. By working through appropriate assignments, your students will discover the relevance of their theoretically acquired skills.
Unfortunately, this book is already out of print. Thank you for all your interest.

Book for young readers - “Abenteuer Leben-Natur-Technik” (Adventure - Life, Nature and Technology)
The design of winglets on airplanes was taken from the eagle, modern cargo ships are powered by wind and the migration of whales is monitored by satellite. These and many other links between nature and technology are explained to young researchers by Audi Environmental Foundation GmbH in their book “Abenteuer - Leben Natur Technik” ("Adventure - Life Nature Technology"). The focus of the book is just as much on the origins and examples of modern technology as it is on the sustainable management of our earth’s resources.
What impact does technology have on our life?
The book contains exciting examples of the interplay between nature and technology. With impressive illustrations and easy-to-understand text, it is aimed at young researchers and should motivate them to think and investigate. The book not only provides a view of the past and the present, but also ventures a look ahead to the future challenges that we face as a result of the continuous urbanization and the growing world population.
Presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the 80-page book describes everyday phenomena and the hidden natural bases of their technology. In 27 sections, young readers between the ages of nine and twelve learn to better understand the world and find clear answers to complex questions such as “Is the half-pipe a perpetual motion machine?”, “What do bees have to do with airplanes and houses?” or “Technology - friend or enemy of the environment?”. The book makes a contribution to environmental education and raises the awareness of children about environmental and technological topics.
Unfortunately, this book is already out of print. Thank you for all your interest.