One Young World: Audi Environmental Foundation supports Sustainable Commitment

Together for a Sustainable Future. Young Leaders actively help shape a positive and future-oriented change at the One Young World Summit. The Audi Environmental Foundation supports collaborative engagement for environment and sustainability.


International Sustainability Summit for fresh perspectives

Since 2009 One Young World Summit offers young successful talents with future vision from all over the world the possibility to discuss economic, social and political issues. The aim of the forum is to develop solutions to urgent global questions through a common exchange in order to shape the change of the earth actively and positively.


Important subjects of the Summit are inter alia queries in the field of sustainability. What current and consisting environmental problems do we have? How high is environmental pollution worldwide? Which projects and initiatives can contribute positively? And how can we socially succeed in initiating a worldwide environmental protection movement?

Young Leaders of Tomorrow – Purpose, Passion and Impact

The community and movement around One Young World have grown throughout the years considerably. Every year around 1,500 young people from over 190 countries gather to share their ideas and concepts for greater sustainability, education, environment, equality and security. The Summit serves to link the young changemakers and ensures a constant global knowledge sharing between sustainability projects. Together global development goals should be defined. Building on these business models that are compatible with the future are designed. Subsequent to the congress the young leaders should carry their gained knowledge and inspiration into their initiatives and inspire others in their role as ambassadors. One Young World already has more than 12,000 ambassadors worldwide.

Mentoring from corporate politics, science and economy

In addition to the “young leaders of tomorrow”, in recent years the event has also been supported by well-known personalities from corporate politics and science, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, actor Emma Watson or the rock musician Sir Bob Geldof. Within the framework of One Young World Academy famous figures like Arianna Huffington, Paul Polman and Ronan Dune provided guidance as lecturers.

Audi Environmental Foundation: Enthusiastic promotor

Since 2018 the Audi Environmental Foundation choses young changemakers from all over the world as scholars. Passion for sustainability is their commonality. The young talents are supported and funded in their personal development. The aim is to build a network between business, science and young thinkers to promote the active transfer of knowledge. The mission of the Audi Environmental Foundation, to shape a livable future by promoting sustainable technologies and innovative ideas, is vastly enriched by the interaction between talented young people and scientists. In 2016, AUDI AG participated for the first time and sponsored young members of staff to attend the summit.


One Young World 2023: Belfast Summit

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One Young World 2023: Belfast Summit



Ajay Mittal, earthdaynetwork

What aspect of your projects makes you most proud of?

The fact that the impact of these activities can impact all living creatures and continue to benefit lives beyond my existence is what makes me extremely proud. Specifically in context to large scale restoration, afforestation and agroforestry projects. 


What are your next steps/goals?

My goal is to scale up my projects and target to plant 10 million trees by 2030. Along with that I am working on projects on promoting circularity in cities. My goal is to work on advocating for drastic policy and lifestyle changes to accelerate climate action. 


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?

Access to resources to plant trees and platform to work closely with policy makers to push for policy action. 

Bich Nguyen, BusMap

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?  

I strongly believe that my Busmap story would inspire others a lot about how to make a "zero to hero" app. At the moment, the application has reached more than 3 million users, assisted the completion of more than 70 million trips, ranked at the top board with Unicorns, and became Vietnam’s #1 free public transportation app, with 0 marketing cost.  


What are your next steps/goals?  

BusMap connects 3 sectors: Government - digitalize and enhance the current fragmented public transit system, Bus operators - operate their vehicles more effectively with the bus management system, Citizens - application to search public transit info. My vision is I hope that 5 years later when a foreigner comes back to VietNam, they would realize that the traffic congestion and polluted air in Vietnam no more happen again because it was replaced by a convenient public transit system and smart mobility platform. 


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?  

BusMap will be accessible to thousands of Vietnamese transport enterprises and 50 local authorities to develop smart transportation and smart cities through extensive digital transformation. Moreover, we would love to scale beyond VietNam, to help other developing countries that need to transform their current outdated public transit management system. 

Frank Mugisha, Akatale on cloud

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?

Being able to innovatively and uniquely use a combination of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Farming Technology, E-commerce platform (digital system), and Electric Mobility to sustainably, affordably, and effectively solve the most global pressing challenges like waste pollution, famine, poverty and climate change, is something we feel very proud of and continue to push every day with the goal of making Africa net zero carbon emission and self sustaining. 


What are your next steps/goals?

our next step is to scale our solutions to serve the entire Africa and ensure reduction of solid waste, generation of youth employment, provision of valuable protein feed to livestock farms, countering soil degradation by providing valuable compost, Improved crop production through improved soil fertility, and creation of community awareness of the damages caused by poor waste management. Our other goal is to pilot the production of nutritious cooking oil for Human consumption from BSF larvae to address malnutrition challenges. 


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?

collaboration, partnership, mentorship, funding, technical and business development support to help us in developing the largest company providing sustainable eco-friendly products and services. 

Joshua Forte, Red Diamond Compost

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?

Hands down, the ability to add value to the lives of the people we serve, interacting with them and witnessing those sparks going off in their heads or when they share their experiences using our products is the ultimate motivation. This drives us to keep delivering the best as Red Diamond Compost continues to develop sustainable solutions for national, regional and international challenges in a unique way that improves food & nutrition security, agricultural productivity and organic solid waste management. 


What are your next steps/goals?

Our next major goal is the launching of our Journey to 1000 Acres social initiative for home gardeners and farmers, especially those most vulnerable. This initiative focuses on engaging communities in a fun and immersive experience, empowering them with the knowledge they need to successfully implement organic and regenerative agricultural practices and the initial tools to get them started. 


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?

More project collaborators, partners and donors who align with our mission can help bring our initiative to as many communities, cities and countries around the world as possible. Our model is one that can be replicated virtually anywhere there is a demand for increased food production and available organic waste resources and is designed to benefit participants at their individual skill levels. 

Kayli Dale, Friendlier

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?

The results we have driven in less than 3 years has made me extremely proud - we have already diverted over 650,000 packages from landfill at Friendlier. This is equivalent to 37 tonnes of waste diverted, 109 tonnes of GHG emissions, and 5.2M L of water saved. 


What are your next steps/goals?

I am focussed on scaling Friendlier across Canada to reach over 1M containers diverted from landfill by the end of this year. Our goal is to create the infrastructure and technology to support reusable packaging systems across North America.


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?

To accomplish our goals, we need to execute on our growth plan to scale our infrastructure across Canada. We are growing our team to ensure we have the skills and knowledge required to accomplish this goal. 

Latdavanh Keodala, Eat your cups

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?

What makes me proud of my project is the fact that at the age of 17, I could inspire other teenagers to pursue their dreams through my project. I believe that too often, young people are discouraged from pursuing their dreams because they are told that they are too young or inexperienced. But I am living proof that age is just a number and that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.


What are your next steps/goals?

As someone from Lao PDR, my goal for my edible cookie cups business is to expand beyond the borders of my country and trade with other ASEAN countries. It is an exciting prospect for me to showcase the unique flavors and culture of my country. In addition, I am also committed to finding the most eco-friendly packaging for my products in order to minimize waste wherever possible while trading.


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?

My goal in the future is to not only achieve business success but also to create opportunities for the next generation. I believe that education is the key to unlocking the potential of young people, and I am committed to educating and turning at least 1000 young people in my country, Lao PDR to become future entrepreneurs while prioritizing sustainability. 

Marion Cantillon, PitSeal

What aspect of your work makes you most proud of?

Combining PitSeal as an innovative solution and my ongoing PhD research brings me immense pride. I'm proud of developing PitSeal to address environmental and safety challenges in agriculture, while my PhD research focuses on a decision support tool that provides tailored mitigation plans to reduce emissions. I'm proud of both my business and research as it provides farmers with a real solution to address the climate targets.


What are your next steps/goals?

My next steps involve finalizing my paper on the decision support tool and publishing it to share our findings. On the business front, I aim to refine and optimize PitSeal for commercialization, conduct field trials to gather more data, and expand our reach to serve more farmers. Collaborating with industry partners to integrate the decision support tool into farm management systems is also a long term goal, maximizing its real-world impact. 


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?

To accomplish these goals, I require continued support and collaboration from the agricultural community, research institutions, and potential partners. Securing funding is crucial for scaling up production, conducting comprehensive field trials, and ensuring widespread adoption of PitSeal. Collaborative partnerships with farmers, advisors, and agricultural organizations are vital to gather more data, validate the decision support tool's effectiveness, and refine it based on feedback and practical experiences from the field. 

Max Han, Youths United For Earth

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?

Building community - a strong, expansive one that collectively demands environmental justice. 

I founded and run Youths United For Earth (YUFE), a nonprofit mobilizing Malaysian youths for environmental action through environmental storytelling, grassroots campaigns, and policy advocacy.  By daring to demand change, we saw how others stepped in to fill the gaps and we've since reached thousands across Malaysia and Southeast Asia. 

What are your next steps/goals?

As an ecosystem builder, I am building an interactive online map that empowers every Malaysian to accessibly engage in environmental action within their nearby local communities. 

My team and I are also fighting to bring the voices of marginalized groups within Malaysia and wider Southeast Asia into policy and onto the global stage. Living in a region already bearing the brunt of climate change, we are fighting for visibility and justice for the most affected people and areas. 


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?

Funding, faith, and guidance. Young people are a force to be reckoned with just social media and minimal funds, we can stretch every dollar and impact millions. With every open door, we make magic happen. Listen to us, work with us, and invest in us. 

I'm also set on pursuing graduate school to deepen my expertise in environmental policy and justice, and build an international network I can easily mobilize for positive impact.  

Nicholas Kee, Kee Farms

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?

I am extremely proud of the level of impact that we will be able to have on the most vulnerable populations of our climate change battle. We are able to not only provide fisherfolk with a more profitable way to earn money working in the same spaces that they are used to but also sensitize them about how they help the environment.  


What are your next steps/goals?

My next steps are to expand beyond our pilot stage to other sites throughout our country as well as the region in the Caribbean. We are working towards developing our wide range of byproducts to export overseas.  


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?

To accomplish our goals, we need to amplify our voice within the climate action space to identify champions who are able to provide resources in the form of funding, equipment and technical assistance.  

Oluwaseyi Moejoh, U-recycle Initiative Africa

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?  

I am most proud of the fact that I am creating unique opportunities of climate leadership for young Africans. I am bridging the gap and empowering young people to become problem-solvers for the planet. I am providing African youths with the knowledge, tools and network to create a better future for the environment and young people. 


What are your next steps/goals?  

Currently exploring how I can harness technology to develop comprehensive climate education interventions for visually-impaired and hearing-impaired youths, who have been constantly marginalized from global climate conversations and interventions.  


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?  

Access to funding and robust mentorship support from experts in subject matter areas around developing solutions for visually-impaired and hearing-impaired youths, and experts in building assistive technology. 

Prachi Shevgaonkar, Cool The Globe App

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of? 

As a young student I wondered - What can an ordinary girl like me do about a big problem like climate change? From this, Cool The Globe App was born. We built an app to help ordinary citizens come together to fight climate change from our own homes. After launching Cool The Globe, we began making video campaigns on what each of us can do about climate change in our day-to-day lives. Our videos were picked up by citizens, who shared the idea with their friends. Before we knew it, it spread like wildfire. Over 25M people from around the world watched our campaigns. Today, Cool The Globe App has users from 110+ countries. Our biggest crowning moment, I believe, is planting the idea in the minds of millions of people, that in the face of climate change, our voices matter. Our actions matter. And we can make a difference.  


What are your next steps/goals? 

Citizens use Cool The Globe App to set monthly sustainability targets, choose from 100+ climate actions & track emissions they reduced. A global Meter on the App tracks the emissions avoided by all users combined. Today, over 40,000 citizens from 110 countries have come together on the app, and saved 2.5 Million kg Greenhouse Gas Emissions. This is just the beginning. Our next mission is to scale our movement with communities and collective action - display collective goals, challenges, rewards and competitions for organizations, cities, schools and citizen groups on a common dashboard. Using AI & ML on the app, we are also working to gamify and personalize net zero goals for citizens and organizations. We are on a mission to make climate action easy, measurable and rewarding for global citizens using technology.  


What else do you need to accomplish your goals? 

Cool the globe started when I went on a personal quest to reduce my own Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 10% every year. Today, advisors, organizational partners, citizens & youth ambassadors from around the world have joined us in this quest. With their backing, we dream big.  Over the next five years, our mission is to get 10 million global citizens committed to reducing their emissions by 10% every year on the app. For this we need support from Funders to upgrade and enhance our app Mentors and advisors to help take us to the next phase Organizations to sign up for Cool The Globe App’s community feature Media organizations to help widen our reach Global Citizens to Install and use Cool The Globe App. We have reached so far only with the support of youth ambassadors and app users who spread the word. So most importantly, we need more and more youngsters and citizens to become a part of the Cool The Globe mission as our ambassadors. It is said that it will take a miracle to avoid the worst effects of climate change. We truly believe that when citizens like us come together to take climate action, miracles can happen!  

Rodrigo Eidy Uemura, Litro de Luz

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?

Certainly, my greatest pride about Litro de Luz is in having a technology that brings about an environmental and social impact. Environmental, because it is a technology based on renewable energy, specifically solar power. Social, because it is an easily assembled technology so that anyone can build it and illuminate the lives of those who need it the most. 


What are your next steps/goals? 
We are aiming to be increasingly present in the Amazon rainforest, as it is the area with the lowest access to energy in Brazil, approximately 990,000 people. Moreover, we want to develop new products and services focused on energy access, which will have a greater depth of impact and accelerate the resolution of this problem. 

What else do you need to accomplish your goals?

We need to further strengthen our network. The Amazon rainforest is an incredible place, but it faces many unique challenges in the region. Therefore, having the support of more organizations, investors, and mentors is essential for us to creatively overcome obstacles and make an impact on the less privileged communities in the area. 

Sonko Jamal, Kyuka Ventures

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of? 

I am most proud of the fact that my project is making a tangible impact in addressing the global plastic waste problem.  By providing a solution to convert non-recyclable plastic waste into valuable resources, the project is contributing to environmental sustainability and promoting the circular economy. This innovative approach could potentially have a significant impact on reducing plastic pollution and creating a more sustainable future. 


What are your next steps/goals? 

My next steps involve expanding our operations and increasing our production capacity to meet the growing demand for sustainable fuel and gas alternatives. I aim to expand our operations and increase the reach of our innovative technology that converts plastic waste into valuable resources, such as recycled oils. Additionally, I intend to collaborate with governments, businesses, and communities to promote sustainable plastic waste management practices and create a circular economy for plastics. By raising awareness and implementing effective solutions, I strive to make a meaningful impact in reducing plastic pollution and preserving our environment. 


What else do you need to accomplish your goals? 

To accomplish my goals, I am actively seeking investment and partnerships to help us scale our technology and bring it to more markets around the world. 

Temilade Salami, EcoChampions

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?

I am most excited about how we have combined active volunteering experiences and innovative storytelling approaches to create simplistic and relatable physical and artistic engagements that have educated thousands of students and raised awareness about key local and global environmental issue.


What are your next steps/goals?

Currently building “Dunia”, a tech-enabled publisher of multilingual environmental children’s stories, interactive audiobooks, short animated videos and other climate education learning materials. We are accelerating children's climate literacy through mother tongue language instruction and creative storytelling using affordable learning content that is always up to date, always accessible and easy to purchase.


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?

Capacity building and funding support to scale the work of Dunia.

One Young World 2022: Manchester Summit

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One Young World 2022: Manchester Summit

In 2022 the One Young World Summit took place again under normal conditions: in person and on site - this year in Manchester (England) - 15 scholars from the Audi Environmental Foundation and young talents from Audi and Bentley met other "young leaders of tomorrow". The Audi Environmental Foundation and AUDI AG were both represented on site in well-established cooperation. This year's summit was held from September 5 to 8 and focused on conflict prevention, gender equality, oceans, ethical leadership, and health. Highlight of the first day was the keynote speech by Audi's HR Board Member, Xavier Ros, the co-founder of nunam, Prodip Chatterjee, and a representative from the joint e-rickshaw trainee project.


This year the conference was held entirely in person. The scholarship holders and Audi delegates listened to exciting lectures held by personalities from politics, science and business and attended many workshops and networking events. The summit provides a place for the exchange of ideas between young talents who address global problems with their sustainable or social projects. At a pre-event one day before the summit, the entire delegation had the opportunity to do some brainstorming. The scholars and employees from Audi and Bentley got to know each other and visited the Bentley plant in Crewe.


For four years, the Audi Environmental Foundation has been selecting young people with innovative sustainability projects to become OYW Scholars, a good opportunity to find new project partners. The projects at this year's summit were characterized by their diversity. Franziska Trautmann, for example, dedicated herself to the topic of recycling with her project "Glass Half Full Nola". With the help of donations, she established the first glass recycling plant in Louisiana and has been turning glass into sand ever since. Packed in sandbags, this is a requested product in flood risk areas of Louisiana.


Daniel Gutierrez Patino contributes to save the rainforest and support indigenous people in Colombia: His aim is to plant one million trees every year in cooperation with indigenous people. In addition to environmental projects, the summit also dealt with social projects. With her organization SustainED, the Japanese Mayumi Sato wants to give disadvantaged groups, especially women, access to higher education. She has already been deployed around the world and has worked, for example, with Syrian refugees in Canada or indigenous hill tribes in Thailand.


We are happy that the Audi Environmental Foundation-OYW network is constantly growing with inspiring new scholars and that the scholars continue to expand and advance their environmental projects with new knowledge and the network from the One Young World Summit! We hope to see this year's scholars again next year as OYW Ambassadors in the global network and in Belfast.


Alhaji Siraj Bah, Rugsal Trading

What aspect of your project makes you proud? 

I'm proud of all the aspects of my projects as it is an innovate ecofriendly company creating positive impact to humanity and planet earth. 


What are your next steps/goals?

Our next steps are to expand our company across Africa and maximize our positive impact. 

What else do you need to accomplish your goal?

Basically, I need mentors, network and funds to achieve my goals.

Alondra Jazmin Fraustro Cardiel, “Ciencia Mágica”

What aspect of your project makes you proud? 

That my company “Ciencia Mágica” is reaching every corner of the world and inspiring young children and future generations of scientists to innovate and make a better world through science.  


What are your next steps/goals?  

We are currently working to bring science campaigns to schools and remote communities, work together with local authorities and private companies to enhance our current impact and generate important and lasting changes in society.   


Also, I want people to consume responsibly by making ecological products, such as ecological kits and biodegradable materials, which allow to fight pollution by plastics and impulse scientific curiosity and a quality education in schools and rural communities.  


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?  

Collaboration with government authorities, schools and institutes to implement an environmental education program in the state of Nuevo León. Nevertheless, I need to make valuable synergies with other people and authorities around the world, to make this not only a local solution, but a global one.

Ankit Tripathi, UNEAKO Green Earth

What aspect of your project makes you proud?
Uneako, an eco-brand, with the motto of "Sharing Sustainable Happiness" is striving to create an aura of cautiousness for the problems of environmental destruction and climate change and by introducing an exclusive and innovative range of eco-friendly product solutions. Our main objective is to make our planet happy. With our motto “sharing sustainable happiness”, we strive to curb the environmental threats of climate change and plastic pollution by introducing an exclusive innovative range of climate-positive product solutions, which are made using various organic, natural, industrial waste and biodegradable materials. We are also supporting marginalized communities.

What are your next steps/goals?
Our mission is to care about our planet by sharing sustainable happiness. So, our next step is to make UNEAKO a global sustainable brand, which will provide a wide range of sustainable alternatives in the area of office utilities, gifting, events and conferences. We need to create more new innovative products alternatives and keep innovating ourselves to reduce the carbon footprint of the corporates and organizations. Furthermore, we want to create a greater number of jobs for the marginalized community so that we can create more impact.


What else do you need to accomplish your goal?
Since our mission is to make our planet happy, we are constantly looking for ways to increase our positive impact on the planet. Therefore, we are looking for more funds so that we can continue working towards our vision of making this planet a better place to live. We need some mentorship and support for marketing and brand to make Uneako as a global sustainable brand so that we provide a greater number of jobs. We also want to increase our network and connect with fortune 500 companies to promote our products to them.

Arunima Sen, homestead green

What aspect of your project makes you proud?

The projects I have worked on have been multidisciplinary, ranging from environmental and climate science to urban design and sustainability. Currently, I’m working with Earth Guardians on their International Youth Council to address the climate crisis and empower communities to become climate justice activists. One thing I’m proud of is the resilience our community shows.


What are your next steps/goals?

I’m currently working towards an undergraduate degree in India. My next goal would be to go to graduate school and seek relevant opportunities – in academia, research, and industry – to help create community-based interventions to address the global crisis and protect our planet


What else do you need to accomplish your goal?
Right now, just opportunities that will help me to enhance my understanding of climate justice and work on alleviating the climate inequity that exists in different parts of the world.

Daniel Gutiérrez Patiño, Saving the Amazon

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?

How it has made me grow as a person. Through the experience I've had with ‘Saving the Amazon’ I've also formed my philosophy of life and spiritual journey.


What are your next steps/goals?

The next medium-term goal is to be working on six Amazonian countries and planting more than 1 million trees per year. 


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?

Support from the private and public sectors and operative structure to be able to scale with well organized.

Dicky Alfandy, Marine Debris Warrior

What aspect of your project makes you proud?

My Marine Debris Warrior Foundation is aiming to empower coastal communities to tackle marine debris, an issue that has been threatening their livelihood for years. As someone who lives on the coast of Indonesia and is a part of the coastal community, I am proud to take the initiative that will benefit them. People say you should start by helping those who are close to you, and with this, I believe I am on the right track.


What are your next steps/goals?  

Our next goal is to widen our impact in more areas in Indonesia. We are currently developing a model for coastal waste management that can be utilized in Indonesia’s typical coastal area that is densely populated and lack of access. After it’s successfully implemented here in my area, I am planning to take it to other areas for more impact.


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?  

One of the challenges of our initiative is that we need a strategic model business for the sustainability of the initiative in the community. Therefore, being mentored by an expert would really help.

Edward Shao, ProjectQRRestore

What aspect of your project makes you proud?  

The speed at which ProjectQRRestore is turning from an idea into reality - the speed of our growth, making partnerships with established bue-carbon restoration players and getting local people onboard is phenomenal! Many people I’ve met, who previously have been feeling disillusioned with NGOs that have focused on awareness rather than action, are excited about us pushing for the material changes that they have been waiting for. 

What are your next steps/goals?  

Re-open an abandoned calcite/zinc mine in upstate New York with the input of the NYSDEC Division of Mineral Resources, because it's the perfect ingredient to offset Caribbean sargassum's acidity and add a vitamin-like component to coral reefs. We are also looking for a site in Yucatan, Mexico, to develop a R&D facility and productions center, next to which a hydrogen gas storage company wishes to place their storage facility, allowing us to produce twice as much hydrogen from our industrial process to handle the Caribbean sargassum. 

What else do you need to accomplish your goals?  

My Board and I have expertise both in STEM and working in corporate/NGO structures, but little experience navigating the start-up business world. We know we have a world-changing idea and technology on our hands - what we need is help to roll this out in an equitable manner. The more stakeholders that join us along our journey, the better. 

Juan Antonio Arriaga Viveros, Greenfluidics

What aspect of your project makes you proud?

The project that I am most proud of is GREENfluidics, since we have been able to change the way renewable energies are seen and develop technologies that have more than one benefit for society and the environment, as well as accelerate the fight against climate change. This project has been awarded internationally and nationally, for which it has managed to bring together talent from all over the world, in order to continue creating sustainable alternatives and improving the quality of life. 


What are your next steps/goals?

The next goal at GREENfluidics is to take it to the whole world so that the benefits of technology become exponential. Also, as a personal goal I want to continue promoting sustainable developments but in the agricultural industry, creating products that help crops with low environmental impact. 

What else do you need to accomplish your goal?

To meet the objectives in GREENfluidics and personally, I need to expand my value networks, and be able to have access to investment funds and collaborations to be able to enhance technological developments. 

Franziska Trautmann, Glass Half Full Nola

What aspect of your project makes you proud?
I am most proud that my co-founder and I were able to build our organization from nothing as college students and have already recycled over 2.2 million pounds of glass within two years.

What are your next steps/goals?
My goals are to be able to recycle all the glass in Louisiana as my state currently has no viable glass recycling services. Once we can recycle all the glass in Louisiana I hope to spread my mission and knowledge to help other areas without glass recycling start to recycle.

What else do you need to accomplish your goal?
In order to accomplish my goals, I need to raise over $1M USD to build a new facility to recycle all the glass in Louisiana.

Felipe Villela, ReNature

What aspect of your project makes you proud?
Regenerative Agriculture is key for us to ensure food security, increase biodiversity and mitigate our climate crisis. My biggest drive is to find solutions to tackle deforestation and land degradation through sustainable food systems.  

What are your next steps/goals?
Regenerate 2% of total farmland (100M of hectares) and support the transition of 2% of total farmers (10M farmers) by 2030. This 2% number was inspired by the scientific evidence Dr Rattan Lal, Indo-American scientist, have shown that if we increase 2% of the world's SOC (soil organic carbon) we can mitigate our climate crisis.  

What else do you need to accomplish your goal?
We need willingness from the sector to invest in such solutions.

Mayumi Sato, @SustainED

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?  

Through my organization, SustainED, we have helped and mentored young people to undertake community-based service work and research projects, addressing issues of food insecurity in low-income neighborhoods, environmental racism, and the intersection between climate change and health, among others. 


What are your next steps/goals? 

My next steps are implementing our new programs on period poverty and menstrual belonging, which addresses how women, particularly marginalized women, women of the Global South, low-income women, and women of color, face greater challenges affording and accessing menstrual products due to rising climate change and economic precarity.  


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?  

To accomplish our goals, investing in youth work is critical, whether through financial means or mentorship. Developing a sustainable organization with the support of a critical mass of youth, as well as intergenerational support and belief, will allow me to upscale my ideas and work towards a movement to reconcile and mitigate global environmental and social challenges. 

Kelo Uchendu, Gray2Green

What aspect of your project makes you proud?  

Having the opportunity to work with some of the brightest young minds from around the world and see first-hand the commitment and enthusiasm of young people toward delivering innovative and unmatched solutions to the greatest challenge of the 21st century. 


What are your next steps/goals?  

My goal is to be at the forefront of climate technology development and transfer. And to accelerate support for a just and equitable transition by curating transformational policy changes consistent with the Paris Agreement and strong support for social innovation. 


What else do you need to accomplish your goals? 

A postgraduate degree in Technology Policy will expose me to the practical skills needed to explore how public policy can help align science and technology to effectively respond to persistent and new societal challenges.

Nadea Nabilla Puteri, Manta One Indonesia

What aspect of your project makes you proud? 
My project Manta One is trying to introduce and provide effective water vehicles as a solution to coastal communities. I am proud because the product has proven to be functional for daily fishing activities and also brings added value for them, the community that is not much exposed to the technology. Every time I visit a fishermen's village, I feel, that I and the team not only introduce the solution but also sparkle up the hope for them to make a better living.  

What are your next steps/goals? 
Our target is 10,000 units all across Indonesia to make carbon reduction by 284,000 tons CO2 yearly. We want to try Bali Island by targeted 1,600 units. We want to acquire 1-3 villages in Bali Island to make Manta One integrated with another microenvironment firmly.  


What else do you need to accomplish your goal?
Currently, we have twelve units in the market and our target is 10,000 units all across Indonesia. As we are raising the investment, we welcome investors who want to finance our green technologies, and we highly need a Macro-Finance consultant that will help us to provide a better financing model for coastal communities.

Sharona Shnayder, Tuesdays for Trash

What aspect of your project makes you proud?

The aspect of Tuesdays for Trash I’m most proud of is the passionate, welcoming and dedicated community we’ve built. I whole heartedly believe no one politician is the answer, no one leader is the answer, WE are the answer. When individuals come together it creates a movement of collective action and that’s exactly what we need to save our world.


What are your next steps/goals?  

Our next steps with Tuesdays for Trash is to register as a global task force to reform waste management on a global scale. We aim to make the movement a household name as a symbol of what it means for small acts of change, when multiple, to transform the world. But for me personally, I see myself transitioning into a political position as future Prime Minister of Israel. As someone who’s been an activist in the climate movement for multiple years, it’s growing increasingly frustrating and exhausting to talk about the same things over and over again with our world leaders continusouly failing to commit to necessary changes. So if they won’t stand up to the challenge I will.


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?  

In order to accomplish my goals for the future I’ll need a lot of continued mentorship and to be given more opportunities to have my voice heard on the global stage. Because unfortunately as a BIPOC and youth activist in this movement my voice is often silenced with resources quite limited or out of reach compared to my peers from privileged backgrounds. Nevertheless, I know what needs to be done and won’t back down in the fight when the lives of innocent people and future of generations to come are at stake.

Russell Reed, Sway

What aspect of your project makes you proud?

I am proud that we are building a business focused on both the material and cultural dimensions of a plastic-free future. Sway is designing seaweed-based, home-compostable replacements for plastic packaging, but we understand that the transition away from plastics will require more than innovative materials alone. As a founding member tasked with leading our impact strategy, I am proud to work with a broad range of partners and stakeholders dedicated to building the responsible supply chains, enabling policy environments, and consumer awareness needed for a true materials revolution. 


What are your next steps/goals?  

One of my most urgent goals is to identify a path forward for the regenerative scaling of the seaweed industry and the Blue Economy. With the support of the Sustainable Ocean Alliance, I spent the month of April on a research project in Colombia, where we successfully planted the country's first two seaweed farms with rural fishing communities. It became clear to me that we must unite the many stakeholders in this economy, from seaweed farmers to government entities to conservation NGOs to demand-side companies like Sway, to ensure that the growth of the Blue Economy maximizes the social and ecological impact we all wish to see. 


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?  

Sway's impact is made possible through our partners. We need the continued support of investors, brands, and future customers who share our vision of replacing petroplastics with benevolent, regenerative materials. That is what makes me so excited to attend One Young World with the generous support of the Audi Environmental Foundation — the radical change we need to combat the plastic problem, and the climate crisis more broadly, begins with coalition-building and community just like this. 

One Young World 2021: Summit #dahoam – in our state capital Munich

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One Young World 2021: Summit #dahoam – in our state capital Munich

The Audi Environmental Foundation took part again this year. The OYW Summit in Munich from 22-25 July 2021 offers the “young leaders of tomorrow” a platform where they can deal with global problems and develop solutions. For the third time 15 scholars were able to attend the summit free of charge and exchange their ideas for a better world of tomorrow thanks to financial support from the foundation.

This year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the OYW Summit was held in a hybrid form with face-to-face events and digital sessions. Famous personalities such as Bob Geldorf or Muhammad Yunus as supporters of One Young World inspired the participants. For the 15 scholars of the Audi Environmental Foundation, these were exciting days with interesting events that they had been looking forward to for a long time, since last year the summit had to be canceled because of the pandemic.

In a pre-opening event, the day before the official opening, our scholars had the opportunity to get to know each other, present their projects and visit some interesting locations. A highlight was the tour to the Allianz Arena in Munich. Our previous scholar, Prodip Chatterjee, gave a talk about his startup Nunam, which uses old laptop batteries to build Second Life solar energy storage systems for rural areas of India. Now he is a project partner of the Audi Environmental Foundation.

Rüdiger Recknagel, Managing Director of the Audi Environmental Foundation: “If we really want to change something, we have to inspire others to follow this path with us. Therefore education, networking and dialogue are essential. We want to contribute that young talents from all over the world can participate in the dialogue about a just and sustainable future and are proud supporters of One Young World. "

One of the projects presented is “Litro de Luz” from Brazil by Laís Higashi. In areas where there is no power supply, it gives people information on how to produce solar lamps themselves. Another project is “Wastezon” by Jacqueline Mukurakundo from Rwanda, which aims to significantly improve the recycling rate of waste in households with the help of an app.

One of our scholars, Nadja Yang with her project “European Young Engineers”, was even given the opportunity to personally present her project to the audience on the stage of One Young World. She promotes young engineers in order to create a connection between technology and politics.

The summit ended with a big closing ceremony on Sunday evening with the handover of the baton to Tokyo for the One Young World Summit 2022. For our scholars, participation was a unique opportunity to make new contacts, network and get inspiration for their further work. Now they become One Young World Ambassadors and will be able to use the global network of more than 12,000 young executives.


Avinash Pratap Singh | Project: Waste Warriors

What is your project about?

"Urban India is expected to generate 165 million tons of waste by 2030. Waste Warriors pioneers models for cleaning up India through community action, collaboration and circular economy principles where marginalized communities receive social justice."

What inspired you to create your project?

"Coming from a farming community and as a mountaineering enthusiast, I have seen farm lands and glaciers depleting first hand. Decentralized waste management practices enable communities to take control of the waste problem and positively impact the world, not only towards the environment but also society and economy."

How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"One Young World Summit is going to be home for world leaders and young activists. I wish to learn from others, discuss our work and inspire while drawing inspiration from others. I look forward to building a strong network at the summit with fellow participants to further collaborate on our initiatives."



Bethelhem Abebe | Project: Zafree Papers

What is your project about?

"Zafree papers is a unique company that makes a 100% tree-free paper pulp from agricultural waste saved from being set on fire. It's eco-friendly, low carbon, 100% recyclable and non-toxic and can be used to make any type of paper and paper products."


What inspired you to create your project?

"I grew up surrounded by trees feeling and enjoying the fresh and green environment and when I first heard that 4 billion trees die every year just to make paper I immediately started looking for an alternative and I came across another disturbing fact in which small farmers burn agro waste after harvesting every year. The above 2 factors result in a devastating climate change. So we came up with not just a 100% tree free paper but also with a 100% eco-friendly production process of paper."

How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"As our future plan is to expand and disrupt the paper industry in the world, One Young World will be the perfect platform to connect with different leaders, investors, experts and share/learn different experiences from the world."




Elvis Kadhama | Project: Pearl Entrepreneurs Academy

What is your project about?

"Pearl Entrepreneurs Academy is an environmentally driven social venture focused on delivering life-changing clean energy products to under-served markets in last mile communities."


What inspired you to create your project?

"For years, my family was exposed to smoke and fumes while lighting using kerosene lamps, unaware of the effects that these dirty fuels would have on our health and well-being."


How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"The Summit will provided me with skills, knowledge and the inspiration to help expand the impact of my work in my community."


Franc Kamugyisha | Project: Ecoplastile Limited

What is your project about?

"We have developed a chemical free and energy conserving plastic extrusion technology called “Waxy ӀӀ technology” to recycle and transform more than 12 different types of post-consumer plastic waste and packaging materials into durable and long lasting plastic timbers and roofing tiles. We also allow slum dwellers and low-income households to exchange waste for insurance cover (including health, school fees and safe water for drinking)."

What inspired you to create your project?

"Growing up in a slum community, I witnessed dare consequences of poor waste disposal with the worst being floods, and loss of lives due preventable diseases. At the same time, I was disappointed by the wanton destruction of Ugandan forest due to construction activities. With a zeal to find a solution, I quit my senior paying job in a University to launch a war on deforestation and plastic pollution in Uganda, Africa and the World over. Thus, I founded Ecoplastile in 2019."


How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"One Young World Scholarship is a great opportunity for Ecoplastile to learn from other change makers and mentors’ journey, their stories, their success, their failures, their experiences, and their mistakes. I will love to receive feedback about my start up and grow from the feedback received. I will also love to build a strong network post the Summit that accelerate our project impact on People!, Planet! and Profit!."



Francesca Alberti | Project: CLEAR RIVERS

What is your project about?

"I am the Circular Project Coordinator at CLEAR RIVERS, a non-profit organization with a circular approach to plastic pollution. We work at the retrieval of plastic waste in rivers and waterways, sustainable re-use of plastics, organizing clean-ups, creating awareness and education programs."


What inspired you to create your project?

"80% of the plastic in the ocean is carried by the rivers. Why don’t we act at the roots of the problem? CLEAR RIVERS acts in rivers with a catchment device that doesn’t require energy and it's a circular product, made of recycled plastic."


How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"I will be honoured to speak up for our projects and to show our commitment to a sustainable future. Knowledge and taking responsibilities are the basis of our actions and I would be thrilled to listen to inspiring people’s experiences and build a strong network."


Inder Phull | Project: Orca Sound Project

What is your project about?

"We’re a solutions-based organization focused on tackling the global plastic waste crisis, transforming mixed waste plastic into usable, circular building materials."


What inspired you to create your project?

"The project was founded by my partner Jolyon Klean. We noticed there was a disconnect between community action and sustainable solutions around the environment. The inspiration was to transform the way communities collaborate to create real tangible change."


How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"The learning opportunities, mentoring and introductions to key decision makers will be crucial to helping take Orca Sound Project to the next level."


Jacqueline Mukurakundo | Project: Wastezon

What is your project about?

"With a vision of creating a waste-free world, Wastezon is providing cutting edge, innovative solutions in the Waste management Industry to improve efficient waste traceability, sorting and collection."


What inspired you to create your project?

"After our best friend survived a garbage landslide accident, we urgently took the mission of innovating for waste management. We envision a waste-free world. This conviction drives our actions and ambitions and defines us as a team that wants to spearhead innovations in the Circular Economy. Our app has so far diverted over 460 tons of e-waste from landfill."


How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"We would like to display our work to One Young World, explore areas of collaborations or investment opportunities in order to achieve the desired impact."


Jamico Jamlang | Project: The Bamboo Company

What is your project about?

"My initiative is a social enterprise called The Bamboo Company. It's an enterprise that aims to solve global issues such as plastic pollution and poverty through the use of bamboo."

What inspired you to create your project?

"I was inspired to start it because of the guilt of seeing how plastics are affecting the environment and how systemic the issue is, which even includes poverty."

How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"The scholarship will help me broaden my perspective while bridging me with other possible partners that will help us create the impact that we want to achieve."


Jean El Achkar | Project: Beirut Arab University

What is your project about?

"As a passionate researcher, I’m working on the valorization of biomass and the production of biofuels (biogas and biodiesel), to reduce the use of fossil resources on the one hand and to recover organic waste and industrial by-products on the other."


What inspired you to create your project?

"Since I live in a country facing a waste crisis for years and suffering from energy problems, I decided to conduct quality scientific research that goes beyond proven theories and meets the needs of the challenges of my society, under the banner of sustainability." 


How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"This scholarship will give me the opportunity to network confidently and professionally with World Leaders in different fields and stakeholders, pooling resources and knowledge to enable the pursuit of mutually motivating goals and green ideas."


Karime Guillen Libien | Project: BIOVATEC

What is your project about?

"I co-found BIOVATEC where we develop NoPlastic, a 100% biodegradable and compostable bioplastic using inedible nopal, organic waste with natural additives. We reinvent plastic in an innovative, ecological, accessible and quality alternative."


What inspired you to create your project?

"Starting from the dream of wanting to generate a positive, high-impact change for our planet, we focus mainly on plastic pollution and food waste. This is how we decided to create a true solution with unique properties that solves different problems, promotes circular economy, because when it comes to doing something for our planet, there are never limits or impossible."

How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"We want to communicate through NoPlastic the existence of truly efficient innovative alternatives that seek to generate disruptive changes due to the need to take actions for our planet, with the AudiFoundation scholarship we will be able to publicize the mission and vision, transmitting the message of awareness not only in plastics but for our world!. I seek to meet and learn from people who share ideas and experiences to unite for our future."


Laís Higashi| Project: Liter of Light Brazil

What is your project about?

"Solar lighting to low income communities (riverine, indigenous, quilombola, rural and urban) in Brazil, using simple materials and always teaching the residents on how to build and maintain the technology."

What inspired you to create your project?

"Since I heard about Liter of Light, a great desire arose in me to start a team in Sao Paulo, as for me it meant the possibility to make a difference through an innovative way of thinking and acting: building with the most vulnerable families in Brazil accessible, sustainable, do it yourself solutions, all of that using technology and clean energy.

What still drives me is to hear the testimonials of kids who can now study and play for more hours, from women who feel more secure walking in the streets, from parents who can cook and work more comfortably, and to know that these and many other basic activities were enabled because of a great teamwork, and a light in a plastic bottle using renewable energy."


How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"While being surrounded by great worldwide leaders and change makers, I am sure that One Young World will provide me with unique connections, contents, inspiration and learnings so that I can become a better leader at Litro de Luz and, consequently, help other Litro de Luz leaders and teams.

To be at One Young World Summit, especially with this challenging Pandemic situation, will also be a recognition of what we are doing as a social organization, and an incentive for us to continue stronger than ever towards our goal to create a more enlightened world."


Nadja Yang | Project: European Young Engineers

What is your project about?

"In 2017, I founded my campus’ environmental department to raise awareness about environmental issues and engage STEM students in policy work. Now I am fostering young engineers to form a political voice on the European level and fill the gap between technology and policy."


What inspired you to create your project?

"The bottleneck for a sustainable industrial transformation is the insufficient collaboration and mutual understanding between science, technology, industry and policy. That is why I gained experience in all these fields to connect people, ideas and opportunities and thereby foster the transition to a sustainable future."


How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"Through this scholarship, I hope to get connected with like-minded peers worldwide who share the same passion: to make the world a more sustainable place. Out of experience, magic can happen when bright minds from different cultures synergize their efforts and create something new together."


Han Tham | Project: Vietnam National Space Center

What is your project about?

"Remote sensing application in environmental studies is my aim for a sustainable future. That is an impactful solution for management oversight because of its resource-saving but still deriving almost environmental information."


What inspired you to create your project?

"I am attracted by space technology thanks to its both space and time comprehensive in researching environmental issues. It is so marvelous that I can use remotely sensed data to look into the current state of the planet and the root of changes as well."


How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"OYW Scholarship from the Audi Environmental Foundation has supported me with a valuable opportunity to connect and learn about technical solutions towards developing environmental sustainability from young leaders across the world. Through this experience, I wish to innovate the quality of science in Vietnam."


Olabanke Subair | Project: Cyrus45 Factory

What is your project about?

"My initiative, Cyrus45 factory, focuses on converting non-biodegradable waste materials into ultra-modern products through innovative and creative upcycling."

What inspired you to create your project?

"I was inspired to create Cyrus45 after I stumbled upon a pile of 20 tyres that had been lying fallow in my sister’s compound. Her neighbours saw them as trash but I was able to identify an opportunity to convert them into something of value."

How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"The One Young World scholarship and summit will help to foster my project through its various workshops, panel sessions, mentorship opportunities and networking events, which I will be a part of. I also hope to rub minds with delegates in my industry and see how we can partner up to create more solutions to the problems in the circular economy space."


Yetunde Fadeyi | Project: REES Africa

What is your project about?

"REES Africa provides renewable energy access for rural and marginalized areas without prior access to electricity via a model approach ensuring inclusive service delivery. The initiative also promotes environmental sustainability in different target audiences through advocacy and actionable projects. We are also a community of millennials working towards finding for profit solutions to environmental issues and being the torch for environmental sustainability everywhere we find ourselves."


What inspired you to create your project?

"My inspiration stems from a perspective of urgency and experience. I have experienced the effects of what energy poverty and environmental issues can cause. I was a victim of flooding throughout my teenage years, which could have been avoided if people dispose their waste appropriately. Also, I was a direct victim of energy poverty as my childhood friend and family died of carbon monoxide poisoning from a generating set. The immense population growth accrued within the last two decades, coupled with increasing energy demand from better lifestyles, transition of unserviced population, and technological advancement, has created an urgent need for change to adequately meet energy-environment ambition."


How can this One Young World Scholarship foster your project?

"OYW is famous for a number of great values from multiculturalism to sound leadership and networking. In my continued work as a practitioner, there is a lasting need to break boundaries and collaborate beyond borders in finding global opportunities that can be localized for inclusive service delivery. OYW affords me to not just collaborate but interact with diverse people building my intercultural competencies and forging lasting relationships."


One Young World 2020: One Young World Academy

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One Young World 2020: One Young World Academy

We all are facing challenging times. Nevertheless, important issues such as climate protection and sustainability should not be neglected.

Due to the continuously growing Covid-19 pandemic One Young World Summit in October 2020 in Munich needed to be cancelled and was postponed to July 2021. The scholars will thereby meet in person at a later point of time.

Beforehand they still have the chance to connect and educate themselves further. For this purpose the format ‘One Young World Academy’ was developed. The scholars can participate in online lectures dealing with important issues on how to recognize global difficulties and how to solve these by cross-departmental knowledge.

Within a time span of 12 weeks, online lectures, led by well-known personalities like Arianna Huffington, Senator Murray Sinclair or Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, can be joined. By preparing coursework on the discussed topics different certificates can be acquired.

We wish our selected scholars all the best as well as interesting and inspiring lectures! We are pleased to accompany them on this journey! We look forward to a successful and long-term cooperation and hope to welcome our scholars in person in Munich 2021!

One Young World 2019: young visionaries with ideas for a sustainable future

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One Young World 2019: young visionaries with ideas for a sustainable future

More than 2,000 delegates with visionary ideas, as well as famous personalities such as rock musician and activist Bob Geldof and the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, created an electrifying atmosphere at the 10th One Young World Summit in London. Here at the Audi Environmental Foundation (Audi Stiftung für Umwelt), we were actively involved for the second time. This year, we offered scholarships to 15 young people to attend the Summit and supported the development of their ideas for a liveable future.

Passion breeds success – the Nunam Project

One day before the opening ceremony of the One Young World Summit, the Foundation’s scholarship recipients (‘Audi scholars’) and the delegates from AUDI AG had the opportunity to get to know one another in a first get-together. This exclusive pre-event took place in the new Tottenham Hotspur stadium in North London. The event’s primary aim was to encourage participants to network actively with one another and to present their projects, but there was also a social programme with a tour of the stadium and a talk by the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation.

At the main event in London, our chief executive, Dr Rüdiger Recknagel, had the honour of addressing the young visionaries. In his speech, Dr Recknagel emphasised that, in addition to personal passion, positive thinking and active listening are essential in the successful implementation of projects.

One of the projects we are supporting that contributes to sustainable development is the Nunam project. This project, which is led by Prodip Chatterjee, collects old lithium-ion batteries from electronic devices such as laptops so that they can be re-used in stationary energy storage systems. First and foremost, these storage systems will provide electricity for households in poorer, rural regions in India. It’s a project that exemplifies our “greenovation” approach.

Long-term and sustainable cooperation planned with the Audi scholars

In addition to the Nunam project, we primarily support projects that contribute to nature conservation with the aid of technology. This is exactly the profile of our Audi Environmental Foundation and it is these criteria that we use to decide which applicants receive a scholarship for the One Young World Summit.

Following the One Young World Summit, individual Audi scholars will receive further funding to ensure the sustainable and positive development of their projects and further activate the network to our previous One Young World scholars.

The Audi Environmental Foundation would like to offer another 15 scholarships for the next One Young World Summit. Anyone aged between 18 and 30 who is interested in taking part can apply to us in due course. We are already looking forward to working together at One Young World 2020 – which will be held in the Bavarian capital, Munich.


Caritta Seppä, Finnland | Project: Tespack

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?

“By bringing access to mobile, sustainable energy in rural regions and by seeing the impact Tespack's energy solutions can make in supporting rescue workers and NGOs in providing access to education in off-grid regions, is something we feel very proud of and continue to push every day with the goal of making every individual energy independent and master's of their own energy needs.”

What are your next steps/goals?

“We have just recently developed our latest innovation, Solar Media Bag, in collaboration with Plan International and with a goal of turning any room into a full classroom by combining latest tech and IoT in powering all mobile devices and tracking energy generation and usage. We are now launching new collaborations with leading NGOs and agencies and taking our Solar Media Bag to new regions in Africa in (em)powering local teachers and agency workers.”

What else do you need to accomplish your goals?

“In order to make a bigger impact and in powering more individuals and agencies in rural regions, we are looking for support from bigger corporations and governmental agencies in order to fully launch our solutions and further develop our patented technology to cover more fields and to power more people.”


Adan Ramirez Sanchez, Mexiko | Project: GreenFluidics

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?


“One of the aspects that make me most proud of the project is its adaptability, its impact on the reduction of climate change and its incursion in the generation of oxygen for the next space travels, being a technology that can link the Earth and Space uniquely, throught sustainable energy. In this way, this year it was selected worldwide as one of the 100 solutions that seek to help mitigate climate change by Mission Innovation, at the same time that it has aroused the interest of international space agencies to be placed in orbit soon.”


What are your next steps/goals?


“The main goal to be achieved is to make our technology available to the market in the coming months. Having the premise that it can be accessible to any part of the world, demonstrating the impact it will have on the reduction of CO2 emissions in the world. At the same time, the next step is to start providing oxygen in space in the next space shuttles that will be launched the following year.”


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?


“In order to achieve these goals, it is necessary that the key actors from both industry and government look again at the innovations that young people are developing for a better world. Also important is that they get involved in the process promote new technologies that will mark a before and one after its appearance. Improving not only the environmental or economic aspects of the world, but also the technological advancement of us as humanity is necessary.”


Allen Mohammadi, Sweden | Project: PlasticFri

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?


“Our vision, our extraordinary team and PlasticFri carrier bags makes me proud. PlasticFri is the greenest alternative for conventional plastic bags with the lowest environmental impact.”


What are your next steps/goals?


“For us it is important to find early supporters, sponsors and customers looking to enhance their brand image.”


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?


“Support from organizations and people to help us in our mission of saving the planet from plastic pollution. To find experienced mentors and advisers in order to learn, make good strategies and realize our vision faster.”


Emily Elhacham, Israel | Project: Researching sensor/detection methods for environmental criteria

What aspect of your project makes you most proud


“My collaboration with leading international organizations and the integration of their advanced technologies in my environmental interdisciplinary research. Also, providing more opportunities for youth, especially girls, to participate in STEM by developing new national educational programs.”


What are your next steps/goals


“Integrating state-of-the-art technologies, including advanced Artificial Intelligence models in my research, successfully implementing the sensing platforms developed and extending my educational initiatives to other countries.”


What else do you need to accomplish your goals


“More industry-academia-government partnerships, in order to push forward my environmental research and initiatives.”

Ghislain Irakoze, Ruanda | Project: Wastezon

What aspect of your project makes you most proud

“The best aspect of our project is Technology opportunity which is helping us to redefine waste management. Using the mobile app technology backed by blockchain, we are offering efficient waste sorting, collection, and traceability to the developing world.”


What are your next steps/goals


“Our vision is leveraging the technology to create a waste-free world; we are looking forward to investing and developing high technologies such as Artificial Intelligence to increase sorting and assist recycling actors and companies in tracing and collecting the waste materials to achieve a circular economy.”


What else do you need to accomplish your goals


“Currently, we are operating in Rwanda, but we are planning to expand our services to East and West Africa shortly. As we are raising the seed round of investment, we welcome investors who want to finance our green technologies, and we highly need the Management and Strategic Consultancy that will help us to expand to other countries successfully.”


Minerva Valier, Mexiko | Project: BIOVATEC

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?


“My biggest pride - thanks to which I feel a successful entrepreneur - has been to demonstrate that in Mexico we also have the potential and ingenuity to develop great ideas with boundless motivation. Without BIOVATEC’s teamwork, none of this would have been possible. We want to leave a mark on the planet and an environmental purpose to reduce plastic pollution caused by single-use products.”


What are your next steps/goals?


“We are looking for financing and strategic alliances to boost and scale our project and be able to introduce our product into the market. At BIOVATEC, we strongly believe that degradable bioplastics are an urgent need that needs to be implemented in governments and businesses from now on. I aim to achieve a responsible consumption and production in our societies through bio-based solutions.”


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?


“It is imperative that governments and companies support this type of sustainable initiatives. As entrepreneurs, we cannot grow if there aren’t people who believe in us to shape a better future.”


Albert Kure, Nigeria | Project: Coating+ (STEM education)

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?


“I am most proud of Coating+ as a single solution to the multiple problems of post-harvest waste, hidden hunger, and climate change (methane gas reduction from decreased food waste), leveraging a waste-to-wealth strategy that involves shrimp-waste.”


What are your next steps/goals?


“Re-validate research, to finalize IP documentation and improving investment case.”


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?


“Local and international contacts for partnerships and investment opportunities.”


Lalit Gautam, Indien | Project: Handscart/Sensegrass

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?


“To create a sustainable food ecosystem to help our farmers financially and saving land by reducing the fertilizers.”


What are your next steps/goals


“Our aim to improve the lives of our farmers by helping them sustainable agriculture practice and create future food to feed the global population through sensegrass technology.”


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?


“By 2030 we want to create a completely sustainable food environment and for that, we need support from partners like Audi, Government involvement to tackle the climate change effect on agriculture and sustainable financial support.”


Dr. Lyubov Artemenko, Ukraine | Projekt: Go To-U

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?


“Go To-U is set to disrupt the Electronic Vehicle (EV) charging experience. Powered with big data analytics and EV charging stations reservation technology, we are an all-in-one assistant for drivers of electric vehicles.”


What are your next steps/goals?


“Go To-U is expanding rapidly and has plans to take its solution worldwide. Currently, it offers over 12 000 of charging spots in over 13 countries.”


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?


“Go To-U is raising capital for further expansion while building strategic partnership with OEMs and utilities.”


Nathan Thomas, USA | Project: AllWeAre

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?


“Providing access to renewable energy for 31 institutions in the past four years and therefore reaching over 30,000 Ugandans makes me proud.”


What are your next steps/goals?


“We are on pace to surpass 50 solar installations in Uganda by 2021. Our model has proven to be successful in the past four years and we are working to spread it to other countries.”


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?


“We need $150,000 to make 50 installations by 2021 a reality in Uganda. To replicate our model in other countries, we need additional platforms to reach reliable international partners.”


Oluwafolajimi Adesanya, Nigeria | Project: Clean City Initiative

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?


“Looking back at our humble beginnings, I am most proud about the impact we have been able to make particularly within underserved communities in Ibadan. Bringing word about environmental sanitation and proper waste management practices to over 12,000 people in four communities and counting is no small feat.”


What are your next steps/goals?


“While more of the same would not be a bad idea, we are looking at expanding our activities to include more communities and collect/recycle more plastic and solid waste. We are also looking towards launching the first mobile application waste management solution in Nigeria.”


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?


“Funding has always been a major issue particularly for startups from low and middle income countries. Access to some more funds will be extremely helpful to aid our vision while capacity building and expert mentorship for the managing team will also be of great value.


Kelcie Miller-Anderson, Canada | Project: MycoRemedy

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?


“What makes me most proud of MycoRemedy is the ability to inspire change and shift attitudes towards remediation and the oil and gas industry. The research has shown others what is possible with natural environmentally conscious technologies and fostered new research in the field.”


What are your next steps/goals?


“My next steps are to try to take MycoRemedy global and make natural remediation possible in even the most remote or environmentally fragile environments. I want to work to bring these technologies to the communities around the world that need it the most.”


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?


“To make this happen, I need to find other changemakers around the world, who want to support the project and bring the technology to their communities to restore contaminated lands in their countries.


Sanjna Malpani, India | Project: Bottled Light, Microgrid solutions

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?


“There's no aspect of Bottled Light project (Jal Jyoti) that doesn't make me extremely proud! But if I had to single one out, I would say it was the community engagement aspect - the fact that this project got fairly privileged college students from across Mumbai to go into slum areas, listen to the community's electricity-related problems and try to collectively brainstorm solutions (mostly via the bottled light) - is a major win in itself!”


What are your next steps/goals?


“I'm currently fulfilling my life-long dream of working on providing energy access to the 800mn people that live without electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa with SparkMeter - a low-cost smart metering company that allows rural utilities/microgrids to flexibly collect payments and better manage their systems. Another passion and long-standing interest of mine has been to work on electric mobility in my own country, India. With roughly 60,000 vehicles being added to Indian roads every single day, pollution across the country is getting markedly worse. I'm excited to start tackling this problem head-on - especially given my experience working with large-scale Li-ion battery systems in California!”


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?


“I'm so excited to be associated with the Audi Environmental Foundation and to attend OYW 2019 because interacting with other like-minded and driven entrepreneurs is exactly what I need to find the inspiration to further fuel my passion and take this idea forward! I'm also looking forward to having a larger global platform to tap into down the line. Furthermore, I'm especially excited to learn more about the world of e-mobility through such an incredibly innovative and reputable company in the space - Audi AG!”


Beatriz Araujo, Brasil | Project: Verdeluz Institute, Sea turtle conservation

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?


“I'm proud to be part of a group of people who are doing their share to fight the global environmental crisis. By promoting environmental education, activism and conservation, we're telling society there's another way to live, with less impact and in connection with nature.”


What are your next steps/goals?


“My goal is for Verdeluz Institute to be financially sustainable and to have a strong governance and leadership structure, so we can continue to promote social and environmental change on a steady basis.”


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?


“We need to develop and implement market based strategies to promote people's reconnection with nature and provide the Verdeluz Institute a source of income. Also, we need to start training our team of volunteers to become leaders and support our governance structure.”


Prodip Chatterjee, India | Project: Nunam

What aspect of your project makes you most proud of?


I’d say the aspect that we are working on an interesting, technically challenging and impactful topic with the attempt to reuse old Lithium-Ion battery cells and aggregate them into stationary storage systems for rural electrification.


What are your next steps/goals?


We are working towards developing and piloting our next generation energy storage prototypes which we want to deploy in rural areas in India early next year with real users who would start utilizing our storage systems for power back-up. This step will provide us, the larger ecosystem crucial and real-life insights on how these systems perform in the real world.


What else do you need to accomplish your goals?


A sound combination of technical / engineering skills and solutions, committed and supportive partners such as the Audi Foundation for the Environment who are helping us on this journey and also collaboration with other ecosystem partners such as universities, government agencies etc.


One Young World Summit 2018: A first for the Audi Environmental Foundation

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One Young World Summit 2018: A first for the Audi Environmental Foundation

On the occasion of the One Young World Summit 2018, held at The Hague, Netherlands, the Audi Environmental Foundation enabled 15 carefully selected scholars to participate in the event for the first time. Potential candidates were encouraged to submit their applications and present their projects via the homepage of the One Young World website between April and May 2018. The scholars were then selected by an internal jury from the Audi Environmental Foundation and One Young World. The successful candidates were those whose concepts dealt with environmental issues and “green” innovations (#Greenovation). The topics covered by the applicants ranged from up-cycling, the reuse of plastic waste, water purification and water supplies to the advancement of greater environmental awareness and environmental education. Click here to find out more about the 2018 scholars.

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