NaturVision film festival – Audi Environmental Foundation sponsors short film award

The NaturVision film festival has more than ten film award categories - the Audi Environmental Foundation is co-responsible for the short film award.

07/25/2022 Photos: NaturVision Reading Time: 1 min

The goal: To bring the beauty of nature to the screen with environmental films

In cooperation with the NaturVision film festival the Audi Environmental Foundation is awarding a prize for the best short movie. Addressing environmental issues and their solutions, showing the beauty of nature, providing environmental education and creating awareness for the vulnerability of our world – these are the aims of the NaturVision film festival. The NaturVision film festival is one of the most important nature and environmental movie events in Europe. Since 2002, it offers an interesting and varied festival program that inspires the audience.

Yearly changing motto for the short film award at the NaturVision film festival

As part of the NaturVision film festival runs an annually, film competition with prizes in over 10 categories, including the Sustainability Award, the Children's Film Award, the Camera Award, the Special Award and the Audience Award. Since 2018 the film competition was enriched with a new prize category donated by the Audi Environmental Foundation: the short movie prize, which honors short movies that focus on environmental issues.

The winners

2022: My Neighbour is a Bear
flying bird

© NaturVision / My Neighbour is a Bear


The short film „My Neighbour is a Bear” focuses on Sabrina, a resident of the village Villalago located in the Apennin Mountains. Bears strolling around in her native region are nothing unusual. For more than 20 years she has been documenting these wild animals’ life which are stopping by in her mountain village every now and then. Conflicts? Far from it! It is a neighbourly relationship in which the villagers care for the animals and support Sabrina in doing her work.


The winning film impressed the jury with its authenticity, simple storytelling and humor. There is no classical storyteller – quite unusual for a nature film. That is also why the jury voted for “My Neighbour is a Bear” by Mattia Cialoni.

2021: Those in Grass Houses
flying bird

The film by Christian Lawes shows the complex and fascinating life of the sociable weaver - one of the most interesting birds in southern Africa. It builds the largest nests in the world, they surround the South African acacia trees. Several generations of this species, that has to withstand both internal conflicts and external threats, live in this complex nest system.


According to the jury, “Those in Grass Houses” provides dramatic and humorous insights into the colony and conveys a clear message: Together we are strong! According to the jury's statement, the cinematic arrangement impresses with its powerful images shot in Cinemascope and a pointed music.

2020: Traces
working horse in forest

The movie “Traces” by Belgian Regisseur Sébastian Pins from 2019 tells the story of a logger in the Andes who keeps track of his work with his horse in the course of seasons.

In the course of the year, from the perspective of a young girl, he shows how the old man looks after a pine forest and transports felled trees with his horse from corners that machines cannot reach. In this way, he avoids having to fell healthy pines to create transport routes and thus conserves part of the forest.

The short film shows todays’ youth as the driving force behind the preservation of forests and celebrates the symbiosis of humans, animals and forests.

2019: Recycle, not ruin – Nature leads the way
Men in front of a pile of garbage

The theme for this year’s short film prize is "Recycle, not ruin – Nature leads the way". In nature, there is no such thing as waste; everything is part of a continuous cycle. This approach is consistent with the concept of Cradle to Cradle®: Rather than exploiting the earth’s natural resources and swamping it with garbage and poison, the circular economy aims at transforming discarded machines and products into valuable raw material. The spectrum ranges from recycling and upcycling, sharing economy, forward thinking product development through to the question how the C2C-concept can be integrated in city planning and architecture.

2018: The (In)Finite Nature of Plastic
plastic under water

The competition 2018 was dedicated to the topic “The (In)Finite Nature of Plastic”. Within the competition a great variety of interesting, eye-opening movies, which deal with negative impact of plastic on the environment were submitted.

The winner of the short movie prize in 2018 was the Dutch activist, designer and film maker Dave Hakkens with his movie “Precious Plastic – The Story Behind“. The movie is about the evolution of the project “Precious Plastic“, which began in 2013 as Dave Hakkens graduation project at the Design Academy. The film captures all important milestones in Dave Hakkens project, starting with the initial idea, over various attempts to build a recycling machine and to choose the right material up to the final manual and the developing of a quite big community. The main goal of the project was to create awareness for the plastic pollution and to invent a machine, which makes it possible for everyone to recycle plastic.  The “Precious Plastic“-community has grown into a worldwide project with hundreds of supporters.  Other short film prize nominated movies in 2018 were among others “Die Beerdigung“ (the funeral) by Thomas Frick, “Rio im Müll“ (Rio in waste) by Anna Brass and “It’s a Plastic World“ by Andreas Tanner.

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