School competition “What can technology learn from nature?”

“What is bionics?”, “What does a maple seed have in common with a helicopter?” and “What should the future means of transportation be?” - the participants have been tackling these and similar questions in the school competition run by the Audi Environmental Foundation in collaboration with the internet platform


The prize-winners’ works

Please note: the competition has ended!
The overall winner was Class 6a of the Albert Einstein Gymnasium (high school) in Neubrandenburg. Students up to seventh grade were able to take part in the competition with the slogan “What can technology learn from nature?”.

The students’ assignment was to find everyday technologies that have been inspired by nature. No limits were set on the implementation of the projects by the young scientists. Their plans and ideas on the topic of bionics could be sent in as a model, video, audio, photo or as text.

The first prize was awarded to Grade 6a of the Albert Einstein Gymnasium (high school) in Neubrandenburg. In a video, the students showed the relationship between the human senses and modern driving assistance systems. Using the example of a grandfather, they showed how technology can compensate for declining cognitive abilities.

After the prize-giving, the school class spent a special day at the headquarters of AUDI AG in Ingolstadt getting to know the plant more closely. Each student also adopted a self-planted cutting as part of the Audi Environmental Foundation Oak Forest Research Project.

The second prize of € 2,000 was won by the fifth Grade of the Melanchthon Gymnasium in Bretten, while Grade 7b of the Städtische Realschule Schleiden (Schleiden municipal junior high school) were certainly delighted with their third place and prize of € 1,000.

The class prizewinners

1st place: Albert Einstein Gymnasium, Neubrandenburg, Grade 6a

The students presented the topic of bionics in a very persuasive film.

2nd place: Melanchthon Gymnasium Bretten, Grade 5

This class generated enthusiasm with creative papier-mâché models and explanatory drawings.

3rd place: Städtische Realschule Schleiden, Grade 7b

The team scored with models on the topic of bionics.

Our congratulations go to all winners. We would also like to thank all participants. It was not easy for the jury to choose the winners from the large number of terrific entries.

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